Contact Information

Raimo Sarajärvi

Janne Kotamäki

Tuija Toivonen

Antti Lassila
- rahoitus

Teija Luhtala
- Executive Secretary

Jaakko Leinonen
- Land Acquisition Manager

Marjo Pirhonen

Antti Toivainen
- Business Director

Arja Katajamäki
- HR, palkat, hallinto, LKV

Emilia Jousimaa
- Financial Management

Joonas Viita-aho
Together, we build a strong future.
We continuously explore new opportunities for growth and success.
p. +358 10 5044 400 *
* Calls to 010 Business Numbers cost the caller: 8.35 cents/call + 6.00 cents/min (VAT 24%) - from domestic landline; 8.35 cents/call + 17.17 cents/min (VAT 24%) - from domestic mobile phones. When calling from abroad, the price is determined according to the local operator's price list.
Ratakatu 3 A L
00120 Helsinki
Kauppatori 1-3 C
60100 Seinäjoki